Monday, June 21, 2010

Sunday Will Come

Elder Joseph B. Wirthilin


Happy said...

This was Elder Wirthlin's last general testimony to us. These last words are what he wanted us to know. I felt his testimony. I appreciated his condensed version; kindof like the Sparknotes.
AND THEN HIS BOLT OF LIGHTNING HIT ME...hard and sweet and soft:
Sunday will come. It's okay that it's Friday and I'm having a Monday-day. My Savior promised me that my Sunday will come. I have a plaque that I made that says, "Sunday will come" hanging by "The Family Proclamation" and "The Living Christ." My symbolic Sunday is coming. I feel it.

Amanda said...

This is possibly one of my most favorite talks of all time!

Reading this time... the part that really stood out to me was this:

"...the Son of the living God, stood before them as the firstfruits of the Resurrection, the proof that death is merely the beginning of a new and wondrous existence."

just like in President Ucthdorf's talk "Happily Ever After"... we know that there will always be what Elder Wirthilin says are 'Fridays' in our lives... and having the ultimate "Friday example" be that of our Savior Jesus Christ... gives me strenght...and the one thing that gives me the MOST hope, that pulls me through every trial or hardship is the promise of that new and wondrous existence that we'll have in the eternitys to come and to share it with HIM and our loved ones forever!

It's simply beautiful!

JJ said...

It is an interesting feeling to go back and read a talk from a general authority who has passed away (that we didn't know would be passing away). I felt so much more conviction in my heart reading his talk this time than I did when he originally gave it. I feel the same way with President Hinckley. It seems so stupid to me that I have so much more feeling reading talks now than when the general authorities were alive.

"It was a Friday filled with devastating, consuming sorrow that gnawed at the souls of those who loved and honored the Son of God." I remember an institute teacher describing what the word 'gnawing' meant. I cannot remember what she said, but I can remember how I felt as she was creating an image. We watched a video of the Savior during those last days after she described this unimaginable, unbearable pain. I don't know that I can even imagine what it would have been like to live during that Friday. I have felt pain in my life, sometimes I have felt that it was unbearable, but to have lived during the day when the Savior was crucified is something that I cannot bear. I am filled with so much emotion trying to imagine what that day would have been like. Would I have been strong enough? Would I have gone to see Him? So many emotions, thoughts, and feelings run through my mind.

I cannot imagine (boy, I am using this word a lot!) that the apostles have their own "Fridays." I feel like every day is Sunday for them. Elder Wirthlin says that we each have our "Fridays," but Sunday will come. This gave me a renewed sense of hope and motivation. Sunday is a day that I should look forward to all week. It shouldn't be Friday night because I am finished with school and have the should be Sunday because I get to go worship and refocus my priorities.

This entire talk was amazing! My favorite lines came at the end: "May we understand and live in thanksgiving for the priceless gifts that come to us as sons and daughters of a loving Heavenly Father and for the promise of that bright day when we shall all rise triumphant from the grave.

That we may always know that no matter how dark our Friday, Sunday will come." So many of my learning experiences in life have become priceless gifts to me. These last 2 lines are so positive and optimistic. Once again, I have a renewed sense of testimony.